Monday, March 17, 2008

Fun tips for my engaged friends

So there were a few things that Jon and I did before our wedding that proved to be really wonderful and extremely fruitful for us.

1. Go to mass together as often as you can.
2. Get to confession together.
3. Pray the rosary every day and every time you're together.
4. Begin praying the psalms like a countdown to your wedding. We didn't start until the 40th(?) day until before our wedding. So start early if you can with day 150 on the countdown and start with psalm 150. It'll be fun once you start getting closer.
5. Stop kissing each other 40 days before your wedding. It's like a lent/easter sort of idea. (Ours was an extended Advent/Christmas 'cuz our wedding was in the liturgical Christmas season).
6. Begin praying the Novena to St. Joseph together 8 days before your wedding and finish the novena on your wedding night. I didn't fully realize what an amazing husband and father St. Joseph was until we began praying this novena (I'd never said it before.)
7. Go to adoration together the night before your wedding. We did it right before our rehearsal. It was our last hour alone as single people. We were alone...with Christ. It was so awesome.

Marriage is so awesome guys. We are just continually feeling the grace from this Sacrament. It's so powerful and so unique. Happy Wedding planning and marriage prep!!!