Monday, August 13, 2007

While searching for info to give to my students I found this!!!

Take a look at this amazing article I found in a back issue of "This Rock". This is my generation!!! Woohoo!!! I was searching for information to give my youth group kids on choosing a good CATHOLIC University and I found this article. Definite pick me up after that nasty article with the bitter lady talking about Tridentine Mass. Check this out, it's from 1996 too.

1 comment:

Apostle to Suburbia said...

Hello, I have really been enjoying all your blogs. I found on your links a person I actually know too--well by acquaintance anyway. Small world! It sounds like St. Cecilia's has a really great youth program--maybe you folks could come over to Holy Cross and give us some pointers. (Although actually I personally work with the preschool thru 5th graders.) God bless you and your work and congratulations on your engagement.