Wednesday, September 20, 2006

1st Life Night

For those of you wondering...our first Life Night was great! Now the problem the heck am I going to follow that up?! Ack?! Well, I've got this week all planned out. With the High School we're talking about the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church and how blessed we are to be Catholics. The middle school is going to delve into who they are and why they're worth more than just their image. Should be good. I was so surprized that they were actually interacting and listening and not falling asleep last week. It was cool. Apparently, my being young has something to do with keeping teens attention. Anywhoo, they're a fabulous bunch and I haven't passed out from nervousness so far. So things are good! Thank God! I set up and appointment to get the car next week. Now I've just got to pass my test tomorrow. I hope I can actually take the road test tomorrow, I hope it's not raining!!! yikes! I'm supposed to learn how to drive a stick shift.......oh geez. This is going to be funny, if not dangerous! Watch out drivers, here comes Val.


young-philothea said...
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young-philothea said...

I'd better get off the sidewalk then hehe j/k. oh btw i saw your mom after her adoration and chatted for a bit. i still have your medals c/o Mother. wow i have lots to tell you, better e-mail you then:) take cares

Anonymous said...

Yay first Life NIghts! Ours is tonight. Sounds like the concert was did your drive test go??

Anonymous said...

Oops,forgot to sign it up above, this is Jess :)